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Homeopathic Remedies for Throat Infections

Effective Homeopathy for Sore Throat and Hoarseness

Aconitum nap. (tds) Sudden onset of acute, painful sore throat causing anxiety, accompanied by hot, dry skin, intense thirst, and a dry, rough, constricted throat with a burning sensation. May include hoarseness
Apis mel. (tds) The throat's back is fiery red and severely swollen, featuring burning and stinging pains. Symptoms improve with fresh air, exercise, stimulants, and neck warmth
Argentum nit. (tds) Sensation of a splinter in the throat.
Arsenicum alb. (tds) Dryness and burning in the throat. Dry mouth and thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals.
Asafoetida 3x (tds) A lump appears to be rising in the throat in hysterical patients.
Baryta carb. 200 (od) Swollen tonsils and sharp pains worsen when swallowing saliva. Eating solid foods is painful, with only liquids being tolerable
Belladonna (qid) Sore throat in the early stages of fever. Throat red, hot and swollen. Swallowing difficult. Dryness of the throat.
Capsicum (tds) Sore throat of smokers and drinkers. Pain and dryness in throat. Inflamed uvula and palate. Burning and constriction.
Cochlearia arm. Q (bd) Used as a gargle for bleeding gums and a sore throat.
Dolichos (tds) Pain in the throat as if a splinter is embedded in the throat, worse on swallowing.
Dulcamara (tds) Acute sore throat with a raw, burning sensation, thick saliva, and hoarseness. Craving for cold drinks, often triggered by cold, damp weather or rapid cooling after sweating
Euphrasia 6 (tds) Sore throat accompanies coryza and cold, marked by sneezing and watery eyes
Gelsemium (tds) Sore throat with bad taste in the mouth. Pain extends to neck and ears. Swallowing hurts and drinking is difficult.
Graphites 6 (tds) It is an excellent remedy for singers who cannot control their voice and develop hoarseness and a cracked voice soon after they start singing.
Hepar sulphuric (tds) For chilly patients, it aids in preventing sore throats and throbbing pain. Swallowing feels like a plug or splinter is in the throat, with perspiration despite feeling cold.
Ignatia amara (bd) Sensation of a lump in the throat that cannot be swallowed.
Kalium carb. (tds) Stitching pain in the throat as if a fish bone were stuck in it.
Lachesis (tds) The throat is purple and sore, with any pressure around it, even from a necktie, being unbearable. Swallowing saliva or liquids is painful
Magnesium carb. (tds) Soreness of the throat before menses.
Mangifera indica (tds) Acute troubles of the throat. Suffocating sensation, as if the throat would close.
Mentholum (tds) It is curative in many troubles of the throat like catarrh, pharyngitis, laryngitis and pains.
Mercurius sol. (tds) Sore throat. There is a lot of saliva in the mouth and the patient has to spit often.
Natrium phos. (tds) Inflammation of any part of the throat.
Onosmodium (tds) Great dryness of the throat. Posterior nares feel rough, scraped and stuffed - all worse by cold drinks.
Phytolacca dec. Q (tds) 8-10 drops in about 100 ml of lukewarm water, 2-3 times a day used for gurgling give good results in cases of sore throat.
Rhus tox. (tds) Pain in the throat with restlessness. Sensation of swelling in the throat. The patient usually craves cold milk.
Sabadilla (tds) Soreness starts on the throat's left side, accompanied by tough phlegm that's difficult to expel and must be swallowed. The throat and fauces are dry
Spongia (tds) The patient has to clear the throat constantly.
Sulphur (od) The patient feels lethargic, has bad breath, and experiences burning feet, leading to a desire to uncover them. There's a sensation of a lump and burning in the throat.
Terebinthiniae 1x (tds) Dryness of the throat in speakers and singers. Inflammation of the entire respiratory tract.
Wyethia (tds) A very good remedy for pharyngitis. Irritable throats of singers and public speakers. Constant desire to swallow saliva and clear the throat.
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