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Dr.Reckeweg R53 drops, Acne vulgaris, Pimples, eczema, Dermatitis.

Rs. 285.00 Rs. 255.00

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Homeopathy R53 Acne Vulgaris, Pimples Drops

Dr.Reckeweg R 53 drops addresses symptoms of acne vulgaris such as common occurrence of red pimples on the skin due to inflamed or infected oil glands (acne vulgaris) furing puberty.

It chief role is in the excitation of germinal glands and regenerative action on the conjunctive tissue. 

  • More than 10 million people each year get affected with acne, homeopathy offers a safe and natural solution for this problem.
  • Clear & glowing skin is no more a dream. R53 soothes your skin from pimples & acne . Does away with those unwanted, untimely breakouts on your skin 
  • Free your skin with dark circles and wrinkles & maintain a gorgeous complexion throughout your skin with a proper application of Dr. Reckeweg R53 skin drops

Tip: Leading homeopathic medicines for acne treatment can be found in this collection here

R53 Indications: Acne vulgaris, pimples, suppurative diseases of the skin, eczema and dermatitis.

Acne Treatment in Homeopathy

Dr Reckeweg recognizes that acne vulgaris and pimples during puberty is due to the insufficient activity of germinal glands. Due to this dormant nature of activity the sebaceous glands secrete excess oils (sebum) causing clogging and pimples and cysts formation. Homeopathy acne treatment approach recognizes that Acne is a multifactorial disease, and epidemiological risk factors for acne and acne severity include demographics, genetics/hormonal, dietary habits and lifestyle factors. Therefore acne vulgaris predisposition and individual variations in the severity of skin symptoms differ between people.

Etiology of acne treatment : R53's use of extracts and triturations in its combination  regulates androgen-induced sebum production, follicular keratinization, reduces inflammation, and colonization of pilosebaceous follicles by cutibacterium acnes.

The severity of acne is characterized by the number of non-inflammatory closed and open comedones, inflammatory pustules and papules, as well as residual pathology like nodules and cysts. Thus homeopathy R53 has a harmonizing effect on the biorelated activities at the subcatenous level. Get the complete collection of Homeopathy acne treatment medicines here

R53 Composition: Ammon.Bromat, D12, Bromum D12, Hepar Sulf, D30, Juglans D30, Kalium Bromat.D12, Ledum D30, Natrium Bromat. D12, Natrium Chlorat D200, Viola Tric. D12, Placenta D12. 

Mode of action of individual ingredients in Dr.Reckeweg R53

The key properties in Dr.Reckeweg R 53 drops are derived from the following ingredients in treating the symptoms of acne vulgaris

  • Juglans - it works specifically against acne occurring especially on young girls face. It treats pimples and blackhead (comedones)
  • Ledum -treats rashes that discharge pus (suppurative)
  • Hepar sulfur - treats suppurative comedones
  • Natrium chlorat - treats symptoms of acne vulgaris like formation of acne on the scalp
  • Viola tricolor - treats prickly heat (miliaria), blisters containing pus (pustules) accompanied with crust formation and small pimple forming part of rash (papules) on body. It also treats strong itching and acts as a blood purification agent.

R53 Price: Rs.270

R53 reviews: Dr Kirti Vikram says R53 is effective medicine for pimples, acne in face and pimples in back. He adds it is mostly effective in puberty age between 11 to 15 in female & 13 to 18 in male. Its also effective to prevent pimple in face, dose 10 drop with some water before food for one month. Dr Rukmani says कील,मुहाँसों का जड़ से इलाज!

General Indications for Dr.Reckeweg R 53 drops

The self-healing powers of the body during an illness is triggered by the biological homeopathic specialties of Dr. Reckeweg and Co.Gmbh, Bensheim, which acts as a specific stimulus in treatment.

The pharmaceutical properties of each of the individual ingredients complement one another in their effect on the individual symptoms and illness (stage)

The indicated quantity of Dr.Reckeweg R 53 dropsshould be taken before meals with some water unless otherwise prescribed by doctor. Medicines indicated for external use should be applied to the affected area and gently rubbed until absorbed by skin.

Contra Indication forDr.Reckeweg R 53 drops

  • The medication (Dr.Reckeweg R 53 drops) should not be taken if patient develops any hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients
  • Generally medications should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding unless prescribed by a doctor
  • Pls keep medications out of reach from children.
  • Homeopathic medications should be kept out of direct light and stored at a constant temperature, not over 30 degree Centigrade (86 degree F)
  • This being a natural product, it may sometime precipitate slightly or become cloudy, but this does not affect the quality and effectiveness of the product. If this happens, shake the product well before using.
  • Once you break open the seal, medications should be used up quickly
R53 Dosage & precaution in diet

3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals

In acute suppuration and inflammation the same dose every 1-2 hours.

In order not to impede the effect of the present remedy it will be of paramount importance to avoid toxicating nutrition, especially bacon, ham, sausages of any kind and pork. These substances promote the formation of pus and acne. Even a small slice of sausage may have an injurious effect upon the efficacy of the present preparation.

Size 22 ml glass bottle
Manufacturer Dr.Reckeweg and Co.GmbH
Form Drops


Complimentary Reckeweg Medicines ( Suggested combinations to R53)

Impure blood and acne: Impure blood or high toxicity can become a breeding ground for infections by bacteria like  Propionibacterium which is chiefly responsible for acne. Blood impurities can also cause imbalances in the delicate biomechanism involved in acne formation as explained above. Apart from acne problem impure blood may lead to complications like blemishes, unhealthy skin, allergies, headaches, nausea, etc. Detoxification boosts your immune system, improves skin health and make it glow. Detoxifying the blood is crucial to overall skin health. R60+R53 combination is advised in such cases 

Puberty acne in boys: Androgens increase in both boys and girls during puberty. Androgens make the skin's oil glands get larger and make more sebum.  Dr Reckeweg says R19 in addition to R53 is advised to stimulate the function of glandular germinal system (R19+R53)

Puberty acne in GirlsDr Reckeweg says R20 in addition to R53 is advised to stimulate the function of glandular germinal system (R20+R53)

Gut health and acne: Did you know? Microbes that facilitate digestion by fermentation in the gut are involved in the pathogenic process of acne. As per a study published in flore site, 54% of people with acne also had a gut imbalance in their bacteria. When your small intestine's not functioning properly, it can spill over and cause problems for your large intestine that lead to an overgrowth of bacteria. This shift in your gut microbiome is what can cause acne. As per NCBI, compromised intestinal lining and intestinal permeability may lead to acne vulgaris. Dr Reckeweg suggests a patent acne skin care homeopathic combination for this condition,  R37 is additionally advised. (R53+R37)

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