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Bach flower White Chestnut, mental conflicts, insomnia

Rs. 99.00 Rs. 95.00

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Bach Flower White Chestnut Indication: Unwanted persistent thoughts, Mental Arguments, and conversations. Calms your mind

Also known as Aesculus hippocastanum, The Horse Chestnut.

  • Treated for: Obsessive and worrying thoughts that seem impossible to control.
  • Encourages: Peace of mind and tranquility.
  • Human Indication: Unable to sleep because of constant thoughts and arguments in mind.

About Bach Flower Remedy

Dr. Edward Bach a British doctor and homeopath concluded that sickness and diseases were not primarily  due to physical causes, but to some deeper disharmony within the sufferer himself.

He observed that body loses its natural resistance to diseases and become easy prey to any infection or from of illness due to distress in mind such as fear, worry, over anxiety, importance which depleted the vitality of an individual.

Between 1930 and 1936 he devoted his whole time to the search for harmless remedies amongst the wild flowers of countryside. He discovered 38 flower Remedies containing healing properties with the help of which the sufferer could again strength to overcome his anxieties, his fears, depression and so assist in his own healing in a natural way. He believed that flowers and plants contain energy that can heal emotional issues

Bach Flower Properties

Bach flowers Remedies affect the emotion and correct emotional disharmony, and imbalance in the person, which gave the feeling of physical well-being.

Salient Features:

  • Only 38 remedies therefore easy remembrance.
  • No elaborate head racking study. Easily understood
  • Very simple
  • Non-habit forming and absolutely without any side effects.
  • Can mix up to three medicines and be given for chronic diseases.
  • Can be repeated as often as required. Even up to 3-5 times a day as there is no problem of over closing.
  • No withdrawal symptoms.

Bach Flower Remedy White Chestnut,: Descriptive Materia Medica

There are times with most of us when some worrying or difficult or distressing Occurrence preys upon the mind and we cannot stop the thoughts, conversations and arguments going on and on In the mind. These thoughts cover same ground again and again and we find it almost impossible to break free from them, with the result that we become more and more tired and depressed and still see no solution to our difficulties. Dr. Bach called this “the gramophone record” state, for the thoughts go round and round like the needle on a gramophone disc and as a patient wrote: “I am always having mental arguments with myself; my mind goes on like a squirrel in a cage. How much I long to stop it and be quiet, but cannot of my own accord.”

These persistent circling thoughts take the mind right out of the present so that often we do not hear when we are spoken to or see the people and things around us. This may lead to accidents in the street or in the house, and lack of concentration on the daily round, so that our work may suffer. It is a mental torture indeed, for the mind cannot rest. It is one of the causes of insomnia, as so many who suffer in this way find. “I go to sleep at first, then wake in the night with a throbbing head and all my worries racing round and round and I get no more sleep”, or again: “I get so depressed; 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. is the worst time, for then horrid thoughts throng into my mind and I have no strength to control them” And again: “I am abruptly awakened by worrying thoughts with no further chance of sleep.”

It is different state of mind pre-occupation from that of the Clematis type. The latter is day-dreamer, and is usually happy building castle in the air or living in thoughts with a loved one. He may be using the thought-world as an escape from unpleasant circumstances and from his daily routine, whereas the White Chestnut nature would give anything to escape from his thoughts into the present. This over-active mind results in depression and tiredness, lack of concentration and often a feeling of congestion or fullness in the head. One patient, found that this “continuous kind of automatic chatter” had resulted in years of headaches, chiefly frontal, in the brow, and eyes, and that “the brain never seems cool and clear.”

The positive aspect of this remedy is seen in the quiet calm mind, at peace within itself and undisturbed by outside influences, and in this quietness comes the solutions to all problems, as Dr. Bach wrote in the article. The Inner Knowledge. It is the mind that can control thought and imagination and use them constructively.

Bach Flower, Cases treated:

Mrs H. J. had been suffering for some time from a swollen throat and difficulty in swallowing, although an X-ray showed there was no over growth, her mind would net rest. She thought about it continuously, arguing with her doctor mentally and thinking of dreadful consequences if the diagnosis was not correct. She could get no rest from these persistent thoughts and lay awake at night thinking continuously. She said that by nature she was not a nervous type but she had always been apt to worry and “chew things over in my mind before they happen.” For these worrying thoughts which she could not control she was given White Chestnut and although she did not admit to any fear, Rock Rose was added. These remedies she took four times daily for two months, when she reported her throat was quite normal but, most important of all, she was sleeping well with no worrying thoughts, nor did she “cross her bridges now before she got to them.”

White Chestnut in Bach Flower Mixes (Bach flower remedy combinations): 

  1. Bach Flower Mix for Apprehensions, Uneasiness with Hornbeam, Mimulus, White Chestnut
  2. Bach Flower Mix for Anxiety, Fear with Mimulus, Red Chestnut, White Chestnut
  3. Bach Flower Remedy Mix Beech, Impatiens, White Chestnut for Sleep problems, Insomnia
  4. Bach Flower Remedy Mix White Chestnut, Rock Water, Cerato for High BP
  5. Bach Flower Mix for Absent Minded, Forgetful with Clematis, Scleranthus, Vervain, White Chestnut
  6. Bach Flower Mix for Agitation, Nervous excitement with Cherry Plum, Vervain, White Chestnut

Presentation: 30ml, 100ml

Dosage 5-10 Drops 3-4 times day or as directed by physician.
Manufacturer Hahnemann Pharma
Form Drops

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